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少量暴露二手菸 仍會傷害呼吸道( 青年日報 )

發佈日期: 2012-11-09

Second-hand smoke, such as that found in smoke-filled rooms or cars, can impair breathing within 20 minutes, new research suggests. Even after just a few minutes of exposure, people exposed to the smoke showed near immediate physiological changes that caused their airways to narrow, making it more difficult for the body to take in the oxygen it needs.


Lead reseacher Panagiotis Behrakis, of the University of Athens, said: ’Bars and cars are places where high concentrations of fine particles usually occur because of smoking. ’Non-smokers are then forced to inhale extreme amounts directly into their lungs. ’These results tell us that even a short exposure is indeed harmful for normal airways.’


Although exposure to second-hand smoke appears to be slightly less harmful than direct smoking, Dr. Behrakis believes second-hand smoking should be recognised as a global health issue. He said: ’Second-hand smoking is the most widespread form of violence exerted on children and workers on a global level. The whole issue needs to be recognised as a global problem of human rights violation.’


In order to test the effects of short-term second-hand smoke exposure, Dr Behrakis and his colleagues from the Harvard School of Public Health, exposed 15 healthy participants to air heavily concentrated with smoke particles within an exposure chamber - simulating a bar or moving car - for 20 minutes. Results showed that short-term exposure to concentrated second-hand smoke significantly and immediately impacted participantsairways, making them narrow and reducing the bodys oxygen intake.


Commenting on the research, Dr Penny Woods, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation said: ’This research suggests that just a short exposure to concentrated second-hand smoke, of the kind you might experience when travelling in a car in which someone has smoked, can be enough to cause your airways to narrow, making it more difficult for your body to take in the oxygen it needs. ’Findings such as these are of particular significance to children travelling in cars in which an adult has smoked, as their breathing is faster, their lungs and immune systems less developed, and the effects of narrowing likely to be greater on their smaller airways.’

